Project Quality Policy

The strategic planning of project quality in our company requires the development of a policy that could state high-level goals and general direction of the project quality management process. A project quality policy is our effective tool of quality management to identify the correct methodology for an organization in order to implement a project following expected quality levels and performance. In our company we determine suitable approaches for implementing this policy.

In our company Project Quality Policy is a statement of a high-level strategic governance model for identifying project quality goals and constituting the general direction of the quality

management process. It is a strategic vision of our organization regarding formal expectations and requirements of project quality being achieved during the process implementation. The project quality policy statement gives a common description of all low-level tactical elements of the governance model, such as standards, plans, guidelines, approaches, activities and procedures.

At Al Habbai Contracting LLC, the development of the project quality policy document is the primary process within project quality planning and management, that is undertaken at the

Project Planning Phase when subsidiary plans for managing a project are to be designed and approved. The quality policy statement is a foundation for developing a project quality

management plan which is a sequence of tasks and activities aimed at placing the policy in practice and producing operational results.

When we work on the development of the quality policy template for a project, account direction have been taken and expectations of the senior management regarding desired quality of project products and processes have been met. Also we have considered several approaches to the implementation of our policy

Quality Policy Statement

Committed to supplying construction services of consistent quality that conform fully with company and statutory requirements and in meeting with our client’s documented and implied expectations in terms of technical, budget and time compliance.

The development and improvement of the company’s construction services in line with client’s needs and expectations.

The development of an efficient quality system and accepted practices in the management of construction projects, a system which not only ensures that the construction quality is consistent, but also helps to ensure minimal wastage in all our construction phases. The evaluation, training and development of our employees in order to meet the company’s objectives.

The ongoing development of the corporate culture that incorporates constant problem solving and continuous improvement, encouraging all employees to take total pride in, and responsibility for, their work and the development of better working practices.

Establishing and reviewing quality objectives for all levels that are realistic, achievable and measurable taking into cognizance preventive action for outside influences that could prevent the achievement of the objectives. Management usually communicate this policy to all employees and staff in a way that it is properly understood.